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Tektite from the Tonle Sap Meteorite

Also called Indochinite they are from 5$ to 30$ per piece, please contact us before ordering. These "crystals" of Tektite (Dragon Glass for the GOT fans) are from the massive meteorite that hit Cambodia 800,000 years ago that could have wiped out our ancestors and left the 100Km wide Tonle Sap crater and lake as scar. This Tektite seems black but on thinner pieces with light-through one can observe that it is actually very dark yellow-green. You can buy these pieces of Obsidian for study, collection or some pieces can be set in jewelry as is. As you can see some pieces cooled down in the air and have their full natural shape while others dropped on the ground, on stones or on tree branches, and took the shape of whatever they dropped on.
Tektite / Dragon Glass Crystal from the Indochina Meteorite Impact